
All the bikes. All the surfaces. All the FUN! Weekly Rad AF Ride

As a non-drop social ride, the goal is to maximize fun amongst the community rather than competition within. Enough ego lives out there in the bike world – let’s embrace the childlike aspect of this sport and just have a Rad As Fuck time doing it.

Follow MTB Ben at @mtbben603 or @ne_dirt_podcast on instagram.

Visit nedirt.com for more content including various podcasts about riding bikes on dirt in New England.

Email MTB Ben at ben@nedirt.com with any content ideas, feedback, or questions.

Provided by epidemicsound.com – check them out for more resources on music for creators.


How bad is it? Bikepacking on flood damaged trails in VT.


How I'm Packing... For My First International Bikepacking Trip!